Breeze Tunes Show Choir Arrangements
Our catalog includes more than 1,000 previously arranged titles that have been performed by competitive show choirs all over the world. Finding the right song for your show is a breeze thanks to our industry-leading search filters which allow you to sort by keyword, voicing, show function, theme, and musical style.
The use of any of these arrangements requires a valid custom arrangement license. If changes to an arrangement are desired, there is an additional fee of $100. Professional vocal rehearsal tracks (if they exist) are included in the purchase price. If they do not, they may be created for $150. (All arrangements include minus tracks made with virtual instruments.)
To place an order, e-mail, fill out our contact form, or submit a license request at listing Garrett Breeze as the arranger.
On a tighter budget? Check out our catalog of STOCK ARRANGEMENTS sold by third-party retailers.
Title |
Smash Voicing: SAB ⋅ SATB ⋅ SSA ⋅ Function: SAB ⋅ SATB ⋅ SSA ⋅ Price: $375.00 |
Justin Timberlake / Madonna Voicing: SATB ⋅ SSA ⋅ Function: SATB ⋅ SSA ⋅ Price: $325.00 |
Justin Timberlake / Kesha / Madonna Voicing: SATB ⋅ Function: SATB ⋅ Price: $525.00 |
Ariana Grande / Cardi B / Pete Rodriguez / Lady Gaga Voicing: SATB Function: SATB Price: $575.00 |
Cinderella / Debby Ryan / Radio Rebel Voicing: SSA Function: SSA Price: $375.00 |
Fergie / “The Great Gatsby” Voicing: SAB ⋅ SATB ⋅ SSA Function: SAB ⋅ SATB ⋅ SSA Price: $2.50–$150.00 |
Hans Zimmer / Johnny English / Robbie Williams Voicing: SSA ⋅ Function: SSA ⋅ Price: $375.00 |
Gloria Estefan & Vanessi Amorasi Voicing: SATB Function: SATB Price: $475.00 |